Golden Triangle Gym
(406) 216-2066
Karate Classes For Ages 14 and Up
Shotokan is a blend of several ancient styles. Shotokan is characterized by low, powerful stances and explosive strikes. It is a complete fighting system with throws, chokes, strangulation and joint manipulations, but is primarily a striking art. Shotokan karate is a traditional martial art with plain uniforms, few frills and the utmost respect paid to each other. There is no better self defense style in existence, and no better way to build strong character in its practitioners.
Coed ages 14 & up
Karate For Teens and Young Adults
Classes are divided into three segments; Kata, Kihon and Kumite. Elementary concepts such as stance, breathing, posture, foot work, center, hips and focus are emphasized at all times.
Advanced Shotokan
At a 3kyu rank, Karateka receive a brown belt. From that point forward their karate focus is on perfecting techniques in order test for a black belt. The Kata they learn is more advanced, the expectations for them are higher and their fighting skills greatly improve. They learn to teach the elementary concepts to lower ranked students. Their empty-hand-way becomes more and more their own.
Coed ages 6-12
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu promotes the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper technique, taking the fight to the ground.
Master Toshio Arai
Sensei Tosh is currently a black belt in both Karate and traditional Japanese Jiu Jitsu. He has been in Martial Arts for over 6 decades and has taught in 6 Western States! Tosh feels the practice of Kata, Kumite, strength training and flexibility drills should be the main focus. Along with these skills, Sensei Tosh structures his childrens classes around focus, respect, and confidence.